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What's in Techstructive Blog


Published on September 19, 2021

Author: Meet Rajesh Gor



Hello World! This is an article in which I'll introduce why Techstructive Blog exists and what it covers in brief. This is just a casual introduction to my blogging niche. P.S. It's not any technical blog but has challenged me enough to write and complete it.

Techstructive Blog is my personal blog hosted on GitHub pages as well as on Hashnode. It first started on Hashnode and soon created my own using Jekyll on GitHub pages. On this blog, I write articles mainly Vim, BASH, and some programming languages and tools.

Firstly thanks to Hashnode for providing a free platform for developers to share their journey to the world. I am happy that I have found such a gold mine of a supportive and growing community of developers that help find and inspire each other's way.

What Techstructive Blog covers?

Vim + Linux + Random Stuff

Techstructive Blog started around 20th February 2021, where I first found Hashnode. There I wrote my first article in my technical writing journey. The article was about Vim. It covered some quite basic stuff on how to get started in Vim. After few months I really found the need to blog about my learnings as I felt more confident about my skills after writing 10-12 articles on the GeeksforGeeks portal. I again started writing articles about Vim and BASH as well.

Fast forward today, Techstructive Blog has 26 articles on it, 14 being about Vim and 8 being about BASH. That is the niche of Techstructive Blog revolving around GNU\Linux and its applications. I also talk about Django and C++ as they are technologies I love to work with and create some personal projects with them.

Rambling about Vim

I don't know it might feel to the readers like I am rambling and boasting about how much I know about Vim, but I honestly love and adore the text editor as it is so customizable and wicked fast. I just write about what might be helpful and important to others as a setup or just editing in Vim. I personally use Vim every day so I feel more confident and excited to write about it. I feel it's just the start of Vim for me, I can go on writing articles about Vim that will be helpful for someone or the other. I have 7 articles already planned up for Vim, I just need to finish off certain pending tasks and projects first.

I am gonna primarily focus on how to use Vim for various languages or frameworks. This also applies to using Vim in different environments and improving the workflow of daily usage. Also notice that all my Vim articles are short and simple. They just cover the topics as mentioned in the title, because I don't feel like spitting everything in one article that no one can understand and connect topics together. Instead, I break topics into series, just like the Vim: Tabs, Window Splits, and Buffers articles.

I plan ahead as more and more articles about Vim and maybe some weekly newsletter of Vim tricks and commands. That's some exaggerated thing but I have decent skills to tackle that. Who knows what the future holds? but it's important to plan your way.


Well, I technically don't have any articles about Linux but I have a lot of things to share about it. I have a series to be written about it with a minimum of 10 articles in it. But I am not able to start my way off in search of a perfect time. Though I have some BASH articles and a series about scripting already. I have always preferred to use Linux even if I use Windows 7 daily, I have a virtual machine to satisfy some of my needs and curiosity. That's aside I have used Termux which is a terminal emulator for Android, I have literally spent the Lockdown, coding on it all the months and weeks.

I feel to talk about the need to use Linux and how it has revolutionized programming and development around the world. This is really a biased topic because people who use certain OS are gonna keep using it but I hope that they would get some insights at least from those articles.

Web development

I have created several projects/websites using Vanilla Javascript and Django, so I can pretty much talk about the things which I've learned and the mistakes that have made. I have a good grasp on Django now so I feel much confident to write series about it, just covering the concepts and the terminologies in which I faced challenges in getting through.

General Programming

Well, I can't lie but I feel too excited when it comes to learning new things and I genuinely learn them until I create something from it, may it be C/C++, Python. Django, Javascript, BASH, or other tools or frameworks. I am not limiting myself to any language or topic, but ya I can proficiently write about one and slowly gather around others as well.

Jack of all trades, master of none.

That might be a good quote applicable to me but I believe in PI-Shaped Learning. PI-Shaped learning emphasizes broadening the knowledge in all domains but having expertise in one. Like I can talk about Web development, Android development, DevOps but I will be majorly inclined towards one and have a deep knowledge of ins and outs of that domain.


Phew! That took a while to finish. But hey! Thanks a lot for reading till here. I hope you got my thoughts about the scope of this blog. I owe to continue this blogging journey in the future and improve my as well as the reader's skills and experience.

Well, until then HAPPY CODING :)